The Science Set is the size of an average textbook, fitting easily into a school bag and on a school desk. Science Set contains 45 different parts including circuit boards, wires, an electromagnet and mini lightbox to perform 26 experiments which are part of the primary and junior high school syllabus. A manual with clear instructions is included.
A 2015 study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development showed that out of 76 countries, Ghana and South Africa ranked the lowest in science education. Science Set aims to solve the lack of practical science education in Africa and inspire learners to pursue science after school.
The kit is easy to use, quick to set up and designed to seamlessly integrate into the classroom. To date, 110 teachers have already been trained on how to use Science Set effectively. Science Set is affordable, and 2,000 kits have already been sold, with an additional order for 1,000 sets from a single school.